AutoIndex PHP Script

The default options are currently selected, so just press the configure button at the bottom to use them.
If you want to change them, though, it is important that you read the readme.html file, since it explains what each setting does.

Required Settings:

base_dir =
icon_path =
stylesheet =

Optional Settings:

use_login_system =
allow_uploads =
must_login_to_download =
user_list =
allow_file_overwrites =

log_file =
dont_log_these_ips = (Separate multiple items with commas.)
banned_list =
download_count =
links_file =
description_file =

sub_folder_access =
index =
hidden_files =
(Separate multiple items with commas.)
show_only_these_files = (Separate multiple items with commas.)

force_download =
bandwidth_limit = KB/s
anti_leech =

enable_searching =

show_dir_size =
folder_expansion =
show_folder_count =
days_new = days
md5_show = max size (MB)
thumbnail_height = (in pixels, 0 to disable. GDlib 2.0.1 or higher is required.)

header =
footer =
header_per_folder =
footer_per_folder =

show_type_column =
show_size_column =
show_date_column =

Language Settings:

path_to_language_files =
lang =